A real-time fingerprinting monitor for Chrome. Check how, where and who is analyzing you with JS fingerprinting.

View the Project on GitHub fpmon/fingerprinting-monitor

A Fingerprinting Monitor For Chrome.

FPMON is a browser extension that shows you where, when and which browser fingerprinting method is applied against you. You can use it to test your favorite websites and check your own websites for 3rd-party fingerprinting scripts. It can also be used to test many privacy tools.

Our talk from the Chaos Communication Congress 2020.

Long story short ...

Browser fingerprinting has started to gain heavy tracktion, and current privacy tools do not work like expected. This is the result of our large scale study with FPMON that was done in early 2020. Some of our key findings are:

Hence, we decided to publish FPMON as a free browser extension to empower web users against this growing threat.

Want to read the full story?

Read our paper that is peer reviewed at the moment. In addition, here is another paper using machine learning that strongly supports our results on the 10k most popular websites.